The Association of Nonprofit Specialists is pleased to announce Candid (formerly Foundation Center) has once again asked us to help coordinate educational workshops for its constituents.
These 90-minute pro-bono sessions will be held throughout 2020, and typically attract 50+ nonprofit professional attendees.
Button TextHere is what some past facilitators from our network had to say about their experience:
“The partnership between Nonprofit Specialists and Candid provides a great forum for presenting fresh ideas and having some thought-provoking conversation. The room is always packed with nonprofit professionals focused on gathering knowledge, developing skills, and building their organizations’ capacity to deliver on their mission.” – Jay Weisman, Legacy Philanthropy Group
“Presenting…was not only a completely enjoyable experience, but as a consultant it produced a lot of attention for my services and expertise. Almost immediately, I secured a very prominent nonprofit as a client to build a major gift program and we continue to work together to this day.” – Peter Heller, Peter J. Heller Consulting
“Working with Nonprofit Specialists and Candid on this session allowed me to show current and potential new clients how corporate approaches can benefit nonprofits without overwhelming already tapped staffs. The team worked with me to make a condensed workshop go off seamlessly including hands-on participation. Facilitating sessions like this one are an excellent way for me to showcase the high value services we provide. Thank you!!!” – Robin Yates, Yates Advisory LLC
If you are interested in being considered for this opportunity and are a member of the Association of Nonprofit Specialists, please complete the facilitator proposal form and email it to by 5PM on Monday, January 27, 2020.
Button TextImportant Details:
- Topics: Your proposed session topic must fall into one or more of these categories: (1) online fundraising, (2) corporate philanthropy, (3) earned income/diversifying funding streams, (4) staffing (how to decide when to hire development staff, which roles to add to a small team, recruitment/retention ideas), (5) getting on the radar of donor-advised funds, (6) nonprofit publicity (how to raise an organization’s profile), (7) collaboration, (8) executive transition and succession planning.
- Dates & Times: The 2020 session dates are May 7, July 29, and September 16. All sessions will run from 10 – 11:30AM. You must be available on one or more of these dates to be considered.
- Location: Sessions will be held at Candid in downtown Manhattan at 32 Old Slip, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10005-3500.
- Membership: Facilitators must be current members of the Association of Nonprofit Specialists.
- Review Process: Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the Association of Nonprofit Specialists, as well as staff from the Candid.
- Notification: Applicants will be notified of the decisions by mid-March.
- Contact: Please contact with any questions.