The Association of Nonprofit Specialists is pleased to announce Nonprofit New York has once again asked us to help coordinate educational sessions for its constituents.
These pro-bono webinars will be held on Tuesdays from October – December 2022. They can vary in length (60-min, 90-min, 120-min), and typically attract 50+ nonprofit professional attendees from the Greater New York area.
If you are interested in being considered, did not serve as a facilitator during the 2022 Q2 Nonprofit New York series, and are a member of Nonprofit Specialists, please submit the attached proposal to info@ by 5PM on Monday, August 22, 2022.
** DEADLINE EXTENDED – apply by 5PM on Wednesday, September 7 **
Important Details:
- Eligibility: Facilitators must be current members of the Association of Nonprofit Specialists who did not present as part of the Nonprofit New York series in 2022 Q2.
- Topics: Session topics must fall within one of Nonprofit New York’s Key Areas of Nonprofit Excellence: Fundraising, Financial Management, Planning & Evaluation, Human Resources, Governance, Technology, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Communications, Advocacy
NOTE: In Q4, special priority will be given to sessions that address these in-demand topics: (1) Human Resources (especially hybrid policies, compliance), (2) Fundraising (especially without galas, hybrid/online, in this new world), (3) Planning and evaluation (especially with DEIA practices), (4) Volunteer management (accountability), (5) Communications - Dates & Times: Sessions will be offered on Tuesdays starting at 10AM from October 4 through December 13. You must be available on one or more of these dates.
- Location: Sessions will be held via Zoom. Facilitators should have prior experience with and feel comfortable using this platform.
- Nonprofit New York Policies: Those selected to present will be asked to sign an agreement with Nonprofit New York, which will include details on their Non-Solicitation and Code of Conduct policies, as well as their Presenter Deadlines & Expectations.
- Association of Nonprofit Specialists Policies: Those selected to present will be asked to include a brief overview of Nonprofit Specialists at the beginning of their session (slides and talking points will be provided).
- Review Process: Proposals will be reviewed by a sub-committee of Nonprofit Specialists, as well as staff from Nonprofit New York.
- Notification: Applicants will be notified of the decisions by mid-September 2022.
- Contact: Please contact with any questions.