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Many Voices, Many Rewards

Submitted by Merle Benny
Board Member, Association of Nonprofit Specialists

Recent events have awakened us to the fact that there is work to be done to make our organizations truly diverse and inclusive. Nonprofits have the opportunity to lead the way in building diverse organizations and ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity. Internally, your organization benefits from hearing many perspectives and experiences.

Externally, there is a comfort level and a natural tendency to speak with people that look like you, as a result you continue to build an organization of like-minded people with similar world views. The vast majority of nonprofit Executive Directors are white (75%) and women (60%) *, limiting the ability to attract a diverse community of support. This impacts delivery of service and fundraising.

Organizations that empower many voices to speak and listen will be richer and more diverse. The way forward is to intentionally create a more diverse organization and to acknowledge the diversity that already exists but may not have a voice. This allows you to reach and serve a broader community and multiplies the number of connections and opportunities open to you.

A diverse group of staff, volunteers, and board members, with their own experiences and perspectives, will communicate your message, building a network of varying ages, races, economic standing, and lifestyles for your organization. Additionally, you are honoring and supporting each person’s uniqueness by giving them the access, tools, and information needed to share the organization’s vision.

