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Tools for Consultants

Transformational Capacity Building

Transformational Capacity Building, a recent paper published by Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSRI), was written in response to the concern that nonprofits serving communities of color struggle to survive because of systemic racial disparities and biases.

In March, Ahead of the Curve, a collaborative of New York City based capacity builders, gathered to discuss the paper. The virtual gathering explored the seven approaches recommended by the authors by the publication:

1. Building trustworthy and culturally resonant relationships.
2. Addressing underlying patterns of behavior rooted in history and culture.
3. Encouraging nonprofits to be specialists, not generalists.
4. Cultivating networks to generate power and change systems.
5. Investing in the inner well-being and growth of leaders.
6. Providing simultaneous, multilayered capacity-building opportunities.
7. Offering direct, flexible funding for transformative capacity building.

Association of Nonprofit Specialists, one of 14 member organizations of Ahead of the Curve, participated in this timely conversation.
