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Nonprofit Consultants Institute Alumni Profile: Lupita Gonzalez

“I liked consulting but wasn’t sure I could make a living at it. I really needed to learn how it was done and to meet others who made it work.”

lupita-gonzalezLupita had worked in the nonprofit sector for 12 years but she craved more opportunity for innovation. She had begun exploring the possibilities and had done some coaching as a consultant. It was the creative outlet she hoped for – but could she make a living?

When a friend told Lupita about the Association of Nonprofit Specialists and the upcoming Nonprofit Consultants Institute, she thought it might be just what she needed.

“Each person at the Institute had his or her own specialty. That opened my eyes to all the possibilities for nonprofit consulting. The potential became real.”

Institute Register ButtonAt the training Lupita got the tips and tools that would allow her to succeed. It gave her the preparation she needed to create a consulting practice that was “intentional and realistic.”

Lupita continues to stay connected to the trainers and mentors from the Nonprofit Consultants Institute. Now she knows that a career as a consultant is not only possible, it’s also just right for her!

Lupita was a participant in the first Nonprofit Consultants Institute in 2013. She is now enjoying her success as an Executive Coach and Leadership & Organizational Development Consultant.

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