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Event Recap: February 2021 Member Meet-Up

Member Meet-Ups, a substitute for our quarterly networking events, have proven quite popular! The Zoom format allows for group presentations and lively conversations in smaller breakout rooms. And it’s free.

The event held on February 25 was the first one of 2021. Like all our occasions, it was organized by a group of volunteers including Laurel Molloy, Sharon Combs, and Jessie Lee.

Discussion centered on the Association’s recently adopted Vision, Mission and Values.

Our new Chairman, Joseph Barretto, opened the gathering with announcements about upcoming events and opportunities including Peer Advising and newsletter submissions. He introduced our newest board member, Jessie Lee.

The small breakout groups allowed plenty of opportunity to share ideas on Association and personal goals for the year. These questions were posed to spark conversation:

1. Which aspect of our Values, Vision & Mission jumped out at you or really speaks to you because it’s closely linked to your own professional goals?

2. Do you have any ideas on how we can work towards our vision for the future together?

The resulting conversations were captured in notes from the groups and included these observations and ideas:
• Focus on relationships and supporting organizations and their impact on the world vs. being a professional development organization alone.
• Values are very strong.
• Commitment/centering around diversity and equity is very important and appealing.
• Vision and values align with our consultant goals well, especially community.
• Good balance of active and passive values.
• Leading with integrity makes sense because trust is such an integral component to what we do.
• Equity and justice is the reason nonprofits exist so it should be a core value of an association that serves consultants who serve nonprofits.
• Equity and justice – have been screaming at us for the past year.
• As a consultant your work is about changing the world – so appreciate how it is articulated.
• As independent consultants, opportunities to convene are so important to affirm and share these values.
• Caring: Particularly critical in the current crisis, but always makes us more effective consultants and a community of consultants.
• Love and support these values. Having a community of consultants is important. Gets right to the bones of our work.
• Trying to include Equity and Justice in things like financial management is less obvious than, say, programs.
• Is there more that consultants can do right now to address institutional racism? How do we help and mentor up-and-coming BIPOC professionals through the ranks to increase representation in our fields?
• Equity: Much more embedded in our work, and reflective of our commitment, and shared value at Association of Nonprofit Specialists.
• Having some discussion circles.
• Could the association be helpful in helping people get board appointments as a way to bolster all those values and provide valuable professional experiences?

The Meet-Up was a lively hour! The 32 participants included 25 members and 6 guests of members. We look forward to the next gathering.
